Seminar-training on standards development (02.11.2020, on-line)
On November 2, 2020, a training seminar on the development of standards of pre-tertiary education was held, it was organized by the Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher and Pre-tertiary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. About 500 members of scientific and methodological commissions (subcommissions) of the sector of professional higher education of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine took part in the event.
The seminar was opened by Oleh SHAROV, Director General of the Directorate of Higher and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Higher Education Reform Expert, EU Erasmus+ Programme, who clarified the legal framework for professional higher education and preparation of relevant standards.
Analytical manager of the National Erasmus+ Office — Ukraine Zhanna TALANOVA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, described the key approaches to creating new standards, provided clarifications and recommendations on the standards development based on competencies and learning outcomes in line with the National Qualifications Framework and ECTS credits. Also, Zhanna TALANOVA together with the National Higher Education Reform Expert, EU Erasmus+ Programme Volodymyr BAKHRUSHYN, Ph.D., Professor, answered numerous questions of the participants, based on three years of experience in methodological expertise of more than 200 higher education standards.